An event in the scope of Cosmetic 360 Week, Cosmetic’s international week organized by Cosmetic Valley from Monday 16th to Monday October 20th 2023, in France. A program that deals with national and international networking, industrial and cultural visits in link with Research, Innovation and Distribution.
The Canadian Cosmetic Cluster, in partnership with Cosmetic Valley, is organizing a symposium on the issues and challenges of sustainable development in the cosmetics industry.
The Objective of the Roadblock Symposium :
The objective of the symposium is to create a platform for discussion and exchange between sustainably and clean tech experts from France and Canada on topic of solving roadblocks in the industry for a better future. The aim is to build a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities that exist for the two countries in their relationship, and to identify ways in which the two nations can work together to address these challenges and make the most of the opportunities.
Roadblocks To Sustainability Symposium in Bordeaux, France
The symposium will focus on the following key areas :
Scientific Exchange: The symposium will explore the role that scientific innovation plays in building strong partnerships between France and Canada. The goal will be to identifying new ways to promote greater scientific exchange between the two countries.
Economic Cooperation: The symposium will examine the opportunities and challenges that exist for economic cooperation between France and Canada, including trade and investment. The focus will be on identifying ways in which the two nations can work together to support the growth and competitiveness of their economies.
Sustainable Cooperation: The symposium will explore the ways in which France and Canada can cooperate on suitability issues that affect the cosmetic supply chain, including solutions for climate change, energy transition in manufacturing, and sustainable development of products By the Canadian Cosmetic Cluster 2023 and ingredients. The focus will be on identifying ways in which the two nations can work together to achieve their common environmental goals.
Proposed Program for Symposium :
This is the proposed schedule for this one-day event.
10 am-10:20 am - Opening Speeches :
France Partnerships and the Global Cluster Network. One of the focuses of the opening speech is on what is the definition of sustainability. We will have a presentation from the Bordeaux region on business opportunities in the city of Bordeaux.
10:30 am-10:45 am - How Can We Regulate Clean Beauty (What is the definition?) :
What is clean beauty? What does it mean? This is a question being asked by many people around the world. Everyone seems to have their own definition of what clean beauty is. Our expert will guide us through the different opinions and discuss whether clean beauty should be regulated by the government.
10:45 am - 11:05 am - Panel 1 - Should We Regulate Clean Beauty ?
11:10 am – 11:25 am - Sustainability Challenges for Big Companies Vs Start-ups :
There are many challenges in becoming sustainable in the cosmetic industry. One of the biggest differences is that bigger companies can be more sustainable due to their financial resources. SME’s have the advantage being able to faster apply new methods for more sustainable business practices. We’re going to look at the differences between bigger companies and smaller companies and how their challenges and sustainability differ as well as how are they alike. We will also look at the solutions that both can utilize to streamline their road to being more sustainable.
11:30 am -11:50 am - Panel 2 – Sustainability Challenges for Big Companies Vs Start-ups
11:50am - 12:50pm - Lunch
1:00 pm – 1:15 pm - Focus On The Issues For Brands (and the Tech Solutions) :
The cosmetic market is full of brands that are competing for shelf space, online viewership, and finally to be in the hands of the consumer. One of the methods that brands to attract consumers is the marketing of sustainability and eco-friendliness of their products. We will discuss the factors that contribute to greenwashing versus actual sustainability.
1:15 pm- 1:30 pm - Focus On The Issues For Ingredients (and the Tech Solutions) :
Ingredients are the building blocks of all cosmetic products. Many companies are focused on upcycled ingredients or have developed a cleaner extraction process. We look at all the different avenues that companies face when they are trying to be more sustainable and the tech solutions that can help with achieving this.
1:30- 1:45 pm - Focus On The Issues For Packaging (and the Tech Solutions) :
The packaging industry is always full of innovation, but how many companies can achieve their goals to be more sustainable or have a smaller carbon footprint? We ask packaging companies to submit all their roadblocks so that we can find solutions from our tech partners.
1:45 pm- 2:05 pm - Panel 3 – On Sustainability Challenges Of Brands, Ingredients and Packaging
2:05 pm- 3:00 pm - Round Table Work Session/ Networking :
During this work session, people will have a chance to talk about their roadblocks and meet potential solution-makers.
At this time, we are exploring an opportunity to visit a lab or company in the area. A group of companies will depart at 2:15 pm to make a company visit during the time. All events are expected to be finished before 4:30pm.
The Participants :
The symposium will bring together experts from across the cosmetic supply chain in France and Canada, including academics, policymakers, business leaders, and other industry representatives. There will be a group of participants from Canada as part of a trade mission. The other participants will be visitors of the Cosmetic 360 show, and Global Cosmetic Cluster members. The goal is to involve all of the Global Cosmetic Members in the panels.
The main organizations that will be involved in this event will be the following;
• Cosmetic Valley
• Canadian Cosmetic Cluster
• French Tech
• Region of Bordeaux
• Canadian Trade Commissioners
• French Embassy